Friday 21 July 2017

The secret weapon that could exchange Sean Spicer

In return for his loyalty, he was mocked on television's late television and publicly humiliated by a president who invited all kinds of hangers to meet the pope, but left his Irish Catholic spokesman devoted to killing time elsewhere In Rome.

Now he's done. On Friday, he resigned when it appeared that Donald Trump brought Anthony Scaramucci, a hedge fund manager from New York, to assume the role of director of communications - about Spicer's strong opposition.

It was enough, even for Mr. Spicer. But what does a former presidential spokesman with a credibility problem do next? All is not lost. There is a path to salvation, if he is willing to take it.
This will not be the habit of the press former press secretary.
Any other presidential spokesman could expect an easy life after the White House, perhaps by providing a touch of celebrity to a consulting firm in Washington, or by returning with cable information networks as That punishes, or by marking a heavy book ahead.
But we suspect a different fate, this man, now better known for being represented on "Saturday Night Live" by Melissa McCarthy in a motorized podium, and to seem to forget, live, Hitler had smoked millions Of Jews in the Holocaust.
Spicer is unlikely to have the grace and will promote publications with leading companies who want to show their connections. After being united to an unpopular president, a sort of Western Comic (the information minister of Saddam Hussein who refused to accept the defeat of his boss) defending the lies that emanated from him, it is difficult to Build a post-briefing career room.
Spicer was a tragedy on television. His information sessions attracted millions of viewers who agreed not only to find out what their president was doing, but also to marvel and understand how Spicey - everyone knew him - turned around and turned into media emotion .    


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