Friday 21 July 2017

Sessions talked Trump campaign with Russia envoy

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with the Russian ambassador in Washington during the 2016 presidential race and discussed the election campaign of President Donald Trump, according to a new report.

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak told his superiors in Moscow that he was discussing issues related to the campaign, including important political issues for Moscow, with Sessions, contrary to the public statements of the Attorney General, The Washington Post on Friday, quoting current and former US officials.

Kislyak's conversations with Sessions, who was a senator from Alabama and a foreign policy adviser to Trump when he was a Republican presidential candidate last year, were intercepted by US spy agencies, a US official said. the newspaper.

Sessions initially did not disclose his contacts with Kislyak at his Senate confirmation hearing last year and later stated that the meetings were not on the Trump campaign.

The former US senator had three meetings with Kislyak, including one in the Senate office and another in Mayflower Hotel in Washington, where Trump then made his first foreign policy address.

Sessions has provided "misleading" statements that are "contradicted by other evidence," a US official said.


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