Friday 21 July 2017

Sean Spicer, six months sometimes troublesome at the White House

Sean Spicer, spokesman for the White House, resigned on Friday. In six months in the service of the disorganized communication of Donald Trump, he multiplied the hazardous reflections.

Sean Spicer, a spokesman for the White House since January, has been spotted many times in the media by his answers ... sometimes beside the plate. He threw out his apron this weekend, following the appointment of a new communications director. In his defense, it must be admitted that he was often taken by surprise by the odd numbers of the American President. Not always obvious to explain and assume the words of Donald Trump to the media. A reminder of the few "awkward moments" (delicate situations) that shaped the passage of Sean Spicer to the White House.

Trump has more audience than Obama, "point bar"

After the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, the spokesman had already marked the spirits. The reporters had shown him a picture of Barack Obama's first swearing in 2009, which had enough to make envious Donald Trump. Sean Spicer then declared: "It was the largest public ever to attend an investiture, bar."

"These attempts to diminish the enthusiasm of the investiture are shameful and bad," he added, with an aggressive tone little appreciated.

"Assad, worse than Hilter"

At a press briefing in April, Sean Spicer had marked the spirits by judging Bashar al-Assad's actions worse than those of Hitler. This is how he put it, minimizing the Holocaust in the eyes of the public: "During the Second World War, chemical weapons were not used. A person as abject as Hitler has not even fallen so low to the point of using chemical weapons. "

He then apologized: "Quite frankly, I mistakenly made an inappropriate and insensitive comment about the Holocaust and there is no comparison possible. For that, I apologize. It was a mistake to do that. "    


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